We are facing unprecedented challenges from climate change, rising conflicts, health crises that deepen inequalities that disproportionately impact the poorest populations. Addressing these crises requires a fundamental shift in how global development is approached.
This document brings together two distinct contributions to discussions around justice-led approaches to international development: a ‘provocation’ commissioned by Bond and prepared by Priya Lukka, an economist specialising in repair-based approaches outcomes of the Bond workshop. It is a snapshot of an ongoing discussion and aims to present an initial surfacing of ideas, innovations and possibilities.
On the one-year anniversary of the implementation of the Anti-Homosexuality Act in Uganda, it is imperative to reflect on the profound impact this legislation has had on the LGBTQ+ community in the country. Edward Mutebi of Let’s Walk Uganda tells us more.
Diversity and inclusion is a powerful force for building understanding and driving sustainable change across Scotland and the whole of the UK. Sarah Sanasi Ogunlade tells us about her organisation’s efforts to increase and champion diversity.
The Helen Turner International Development Internship is a small step towards building a more accountable and inclusive sector, and should become the norm for international development internships. Internship recipient William Jones tells us all about it.
A reflection on the progress made in the sector in anti-racism, equity, diversity and inclusion over recent times, and what still needs to be done, from our CEO Stephanie Draper.
Education in emergencies is essential. The global community must redouble our efforts to ensure inclusive education is prioritised in humanitarian responses.
INGOs must work towards more equitable and decolonised monitoring and evaluation frameworks by centring those with lived experience in programme design.
Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act is a violation of human rights. The UK government and UK INGOs must take action to support LGBTIQ+ Ugandans and condemn this law.