Catalysing locally-led development in the UK aid system

7 July 2021Bond





This report summarises work carried out between August 2020 and April 2021 to create a more equitable and sustainable development system through locally-led development.

It shares key insights, lessons and strategies and aims to contribute to the other initiatives that are pushing for change. It also aims to galvanise engagement and action from the wider international development community, with a focus on international non-governmental organisations in the UK.

The need to adopt new behaviours and mindsets that ensure power and resources drive more equitable, community-led development has become a priority for many in UK-based international non-governmental organisations (INGOs).

We are at a pivotal moment. The need for change is driven by a variety of factors – not least the need to decolonise and decentralise the aid system. The growing demands to reform the aid sector’s structure, culture and practices is being driven by INGOs themselves, alongside CSOs and communities where development projects take place, feminist groups, human rights groups and community foundations. Challenging power dynamics lies at the heart of this issue, as we collectively recognise the colonial history on which the development sector has been designed and the power dynamics, structures, narratives – and indeed structural racism – that uphold the status quo.

Join us to take collective action on catalysing locally-led development in the UK aid system:

  1. Sector commitments and roadmap of UK INGOs
  2. Changing donor policy and practice
  3. Supporting practice for locally-led development

To join the discussion and find out more, please email Lucy McCall at [email protected] stating your name, role and organisation, and which of the three strands you are interested in getting involved with.

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