
The most useful tools, reports, books, how-to-guides, videos, briefings, presentations and websites for people working in international development.

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#PartnershipWorks social media toolkit

15 March 2019 • 

A selection of images and statistics showing the value of multilateral partnerships when working on development issues like health, education and climate change.

The Reality of Aid Report 2018

16 January 2019 • 

The Reality of Aid Report 2018 analyses the recent changes in international aid in the context of Agenda 2030, as well as the persistence of poverty and growing inequalities within and between countries.

UK Aid Connect: progress and processes

26 September 2018 • 

This update for Bond members from DFID covers the background to UK Aid Connect, the results of the call for proposals and next steps.

International aid in brief

19 September 2018 • 

This accessible briefing for MPs covers essential information on UK aid, explaining what it is, how it is spent and why it is so important in the fight to eradicate extreme poverty.