
The most useful tools, reports, books, how-to-guides, videos, briefings, presentations and websites for people working in international development.

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This is the Work: reimagining policy and advocacy

6 November 2024 • 

The Advocacy Team, Bond and Peace Direct have built on existing work to address racism and decolonise the system. This is the Work has been co-created with UK policy and advocacy staff with input from diaspora and low and middle income country communities. This webinar discusses how the resources were created and how they can be used.professionals, along with decision-makers, in open reflections on the challenges, opportunities, and their roles in driving change.

This work has resulted in the co-creation of three resources, which will be launched on 28th October:

Understanding electoral campaigning rules webinar

24 January 2024 • 

INGOs can continue to campaign ahead of an election but you must understand the rules. Watch this webinar with Bates Wells solicitors, Suhan Rajkumar and Max Dowbenko from their top-ranked Politics, Elections and Campaigning team, for a refresh and update on the regulatory framework.

Understanding electoral campaigning rules

10 January 2024 • 

Ahead of the next general election, Bond members can continue to campaign ahead of an election under charity and electoral law, but you must understand the rules. This briefing paper will help you do that and focuses on electoral law.

The Police Bill Alliance – learning summary

28 September 2022 • 

This learning summary draws on reflections and lessons from the Police Bill Alliance, a coalition of five organisations that launched a campaign against the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts (PCSC) Bill.

Campaigning during coronavirus

18 May 2021 • 

Case studies from 10 successful UK campaigns, as well as trends restricting civil society campaigning and recommendations for UK government to protect the right to campaign.

#PartnershipWorks social media toolkit

15 March 2019 • 

A selection of images and statistics showing the value of multilateral partnerships when working on development issues like health, education and climate change.