Bond statement in response to today’s announcement that more of UK Aid budget will be given to Department for International Trade

International Trade Secretary Liam Fox confirmed this morning that part of the £14bn aid budget will be given to the Department for International Trade with the aim of help developing countries learn from UK expertise on trade deals. The funds will count towards the Government’s target of 0.7%.

Claire Godfrey, Head of Policy, Advocacy and Research at Bond, the UK network for NGOs said:

“This morning’s reports that more of the UK Aid budget will be allocated to Department for International Trade would be alarming if it signifies an increasing shift back to the days of tied aid, where aid serves UK business needs, rather than trade working to help people escape poverty. Trade with the developing world is most effective when it responds to the developing countries priorities, and when it works under fair trade conditions. Aid for trade doesn’t work if it is a prop for UK business interests and fails to prioritise the needs of people facing poverty, as well as protecting the environment.”


  1. Bond is the UK network for organisations working in international development, including Save the Children, Oxfam and Christian Aid. Bond unites and supports a diverse network of over 400 civil society organisations and allies to help eradicate global poverty, inequality and injustice.
  2. For further information or interviews please contact Maryam Mohsin on 07555 336029 or [email protected]