Prof. Kalusopa works at University of Namibia in the School of Humanities, Society & Development. He has also previously worked at University of Zambia, University of Botswana, and University of Zululand, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, spanning over 28 years. He is rated by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa as an established senior academic and researcher.
He has served in numerous leading positions such as researcher/consultant on labour and employment projects with the African Union-APRM, Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), International Labour Organisation (ILO), International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)-Africa, ITUC-Brussels; LO Norway, SASK, Building and Wood Workers International (BWI) and national/regional trade union federations across the African continent; director of education/research at the Southern Africa Trade Union Co-ordination Council (SATUCC); East African Trade Union Confederation (EATUC) board member of African Labour Research Network (ALRN) and African Labour Research & Education Institute (ALREI); steering committee member of the Rights-Based Social Protection – Africa Region. He is the founding and current executive director of the Zambia Institute for Labour Research & Development (ZILARD).