Charter revision and consultation
The Bond Charter is the foundational document for the Bond network.
It brings together a common vision, purpose, values and principles of the Bond network. As such, it is a way for Bond members to demonstrate a shared commitment to good practice and while also acknowledging the diversity in the Bond membership.
In its current format, the Charter draws on a range of existing codes, norms, standards and guidelines. It includes 17 common principles.
The Charter was last updated in 2012, with only minor changes to individual principles made on an ad hoc basis. Some of the Charter is showing its age and does not reflect the transformation we have seen in the sector over the last 10 years.
To address this, a steering group made up of members of the Bond Board and volunteers from within the membership have been revising the Bond Charter.
We would now like to consult the wider Bond membership on a new draft version of the Charter, which is a live document that you’ll be able to leave comments directly on.
We would also like you to provide feedback by completing this survey.
All feedback will be collated by Bond and reviewed by the steering group, with the aim to incorporate suggestions where possible.
The deadline for submitting your feedback is 19 June 2022.