
How to engage an MP

With a new parliament comes a record 335 new MPs, which means a fresh chance to create parliamentary engagement for your organisation’s concerns. Government relations and public affairs manager Paul Abernathy offers tips on how to best engage the new crop.

Bond manifesto 2024

This manifesto, developed by Bond members, sets out the practical steps the next UK government could take to pursue this agenda, help secure delivery of the SDGs and evolve its global role from that of a donor and ‘saviour’ to a partner acting in solidarity.

Humanitarianism in crisis?

22 February 2024 • 

Humanitarians are being constrained by geopolitical agendas of donor states and the growing assertion of national sovereignty. What, then, can humanitarians hope to achieve? Watch this webinar with expert speakers from University of Bath, Dr Mathilde Maîtrot, Dr Touseef Mir and Dr Naomi Pendle who discuss the good, the bad and the ugly of humanitarian principles and practice.